Admission essays are one of the most important parts of the college admission process because it basically defines the personal interview. With the essay you have the best chance to remark your experiences, accomplishments and potential. Don�t forget that thousands of students are competing with you for a limited number of spots and some colleges ask essays about 300 to 500 words in length or longer, so try to start earlier as you can.
How to choose a great topic
The College essay topic could decide your application, so is important to be carefully at the time of choose one. Firs try to do a brainstorm to define the structure of your essay, ask for help from your friends and relatives to define your personality or consider your childhood as a beginning point of one of your biggest interest. Also, some professional admission essay services e.g. are developed to provide students with paid writing assistance
The topic must show your interests, reflects your values and show how you think. Some of the best essays contained more focussed topics; don�t forget that the principal objective is to capture the readers attention. Interesting topics could be some unforgettable trip, your family, especial activities, etc.
Try to avoid a gimmicky topic, don�t write lots of jokes.
Don�t mention standardized tests scores in your essay.
Don�t choose a topic if you can�t offer real examples for the body of the essay.
Essay writing tips
You must to put your chosen topic on paper, it seems to be easy but isn't. It is advisable to develop an outline that emphasizes the main argument of your essay.
Actually thousands of students experience problems with writing admission essays. There are a lot of writing tips and samples online.
Some other tips to make a successful essay are:
Write an interesting introduction, trying to create a mystery or intrigue.
Try to express yourself in positive language.
Use transitions between paragraphs.
Try to vary the structure of your sentences, mix simple, complex and compound sentences.
Don�t use the same word many times; use synonyms with the help of a thesaurus dictionary. But, don�t use words too complicated.
Try to be concise.
Use a touch of humour to make your essay not so heavy, but just a touch.
Take your time to revise, once and again the entire draft.
Give your final draft to others, in this way you will realize if the main idea of the essay was understood by the reader. Rewrite your essay if is necessary.
Revise, revise and revise your draft. Check the grammar, spelling, sentence structure, style and tone.
Take a last look for details, the essay must be clean.
How to make your essay prominent
There are some tips to make your essay outstanding from others:
Focus on your first paragraph; it has to capture the reader�s attention. You can begin with an interesting question or highlight a phrase with bold
Try to be yourself, not an anonymous writer. Write with your own voice showing the way you think, be honest with a touch of humour just like you talk with other people.
The face of your essay is important. The font, margins and block style could make your essay beautiful. Also check if orthography and grammatical rules are correct.
Don�t be boring, be unique clear and give the reader enough background information in your essay.
End your college essay with something memorable, an unforgettable phrase or sentence.
Common mistakes writers make in College essays
Essay Example
This is an example from the book �Accepted! 50 Successful College Admission Essays by Gen and Kelly Tanabe�.
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