The country's recognized leader and pioneer in High-tech education since 1981, continues its mission to offer the most in-demand courses wherein graduates are most in-demand today. To keep pace with the rapid advancement of technology, without sacrificing thorough training. The curriculum is geared to a world class excellence. Effective Training is achieved through personalized method of teaching in small-sized classes, with actual laboratory exercises and extensive hands-on practice, aided by high-tech audio - video devices and supplemented by scheduled on-the-job training.
Our Institution Promotes synergy and harmony in diversity. As a non-sectarian, co-ed institution, the school becomes a catalyst for complete academic exchanges and learning perspectives.
Our Curriculum Is finely crafted by its dedicated faculty. Sharpening students to proficiency at their chosen courses, each curriculum is carefully designed to induce rigorous training supplemented by ingenious practical application through hands on experience turning each student a real expert.
Accountancy, Administration, Business, Business Administration, Computer Engineering, Computer Technology, Engineering, Information Technology, Technology
Campus type

Admissions office:
Caloocan City
National Capital Region Philippines