ASU provides learning experiences designed to develop students' intellectual abilities, as well as their social, moral, cultural and ethical values. In so doing, the university is equipping its students with those skills, insights, attitudes and practical experiences which will enable them to become well-rounded and discerning citizens, fully qualified for service to humanity. The university's functions may be prioritzed as (1) instruction, (2) research and (3) public service. In executing its role, the university will:
* maintain a policy of admitting persons who have diplomas from accredited high schools or the equivalent thereof and who have demonstrated by their performance in high school or transfer courses that they can benefit from the university's offerings.
* achieve successively higher levels of demonstrated excellence in all its educational programs.
* practice pedagogical and general educational principles that are in keeping with other universities on a national level, yet innovative enough to employ the most recent techniques and methodologies.
* recognize the diversity of its student body and offer programs for the intellectually gifted, the average and the academically disadvantaged students.
* honor its origins by including offerings in its curricula that provide a rich understanding of the black experience.
* place emphasis on the undergraduate preparation of students and on selected graduate program offerings designed for entry into the professional world of work, for further formal study and for good citizenship.
* maintain and strengthen its outreach program by making continuing educational more accessible and more attractive to the community.
* support research and scholarly and creative activities that strengthen and enhance the quality of student life and the instructional program.
* contribute to the cultural life of the community through programs in the visual and performing arts and through public lectures and forums.
Accountancy, Administration, Biology, Early Childhood Education, Educational Leadership, Elementary Education, Health Education, History, Law, Mathematics, Microbiology, Music, Occupational Therapy, Physical Education, Physical Therapy, Reading, Secondary Education, Social Sciences, Special Education
Campus type
Master's Colleges and Universities I

P.O. Box 271 915 South Jackson Street AL 36101-0271 Montgomery
Alabama United States Phone: (334) 229-4100