The Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization, and all donations to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law. At the end of fiscal year 2004-2005, the Foundation had assets totaling over 2 million. In FY 2005-2006, the Foundation has awarded 70 scholarships, totaling nearly $85,000. The mission of the Foundation is to support Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College in all of its programs and activities to ensure that quality educational opportunities are available to its students, faculty and staff.
Accounting, Administration, Air Conditioning, Automotive Technology, Banking, Biotechnology, Business, Business Administration, Carpentry, Cisco, Civil Engineering, Computer Aided Drafting, Computer Technology, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Database Support, Dental, Dental Assistant, Desktop Publishing, Digital Media, Digital Media Production, Drafting, Early Childhood Education, Education, Electrical, Electronics, Electronics Engineering Technology, Emergency Medicine, Engineering, Engineering Technology, Entrepreneurship, Fire Protection Engineering, Geographic Information Systems, Hospitality Management, Hospitality Services, Human Resource Management, Human Services, Industrial Technology, Information Systems, Interactive Media Design, Justice, Law, Machining Technology, Management, Marketing, Mechanical, Mechanical Engineering, Media Production, Medical, Medical Coding, Medical Laboratory, Medical Office Management, Medical Sonography, Medicine, Network Security, Network Technology, Nursing, Office Management, Office Technology, Phlebotomy, Programming, Radiology, Real Estate, Refrigeration and Heating, Resource Management, Social Services, Sonography, Surgical Technology, Surveying, Technology, Therapeutic Massage, Veterinary, Veterinary Technology, Web Page Design, Welding, Welding Technology
Campus type
Multiple Campuses
Associate's Colleges

340 Victoria Rd. NC 28801 Asheville
North Carolina United States Phone: (828) 254-1921