As the capital og Georgia, Atlanta is a fastpaced, major metropolitan hub for business, the arts and transportation.The sate-of-the art SCAD-Atlanta facility is located in the burgeoning Midtown area.It includes the SCAD sphere-a multi-media theater attraction-as well as clasrrom and exhibition space, computer labs, studios, a library, administrative and exhibition space, a fitness center, dining facilities, parking and a residence hall. SCAD exists to prepare talented students for careers in the visual and performing arts, design, the building arts, and the history of art and architecture. The college emphasizes learning through individual attention in a positively oriented environment. The goal of the college is to nurture and cultivate the unique qualities of each student through an interesting curriculum, in an inspiring environment, under the leadership of involved professors.
Accessories Design, Advertising Design, Animation, Architecture, Art History, Broadcasting, Business Management, Ceramics, Creative Writing, Cultural Studies, Dance, Design Management, Digital Media, Drama, Electronics, Fashion Design, Film, Furniture, General Studies, Graphic Design, History, Illustration, Interactive Media Design, Interior Design, Liberal Arts, Museum Studies, Music Performance, Painting, Performing Arts, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Sound Recording Technology, Teaching, Telecommunication, Urban Studies, Visual Effects & Motion Graphics, Writing
Campus type
Schools of art, music, & design
