Austin Peay State University is a comprehensive university committed to raising the educational attainment of the citizenry, developing programs and services that address regional needs, and providing collaborative opportunities that connect university expertise with private and public resources. Collectively, these endeavors contribute significantly to the intellectual, economic, social, physical, and cultural development of the region. APSU prepares students to be engaged and productive citizens, while recognizing that society and the marketplace require global awareness and continuous learning.
Agriculture, Allied Health, Art, Astronomy, Automotive Technology, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Communication, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Dance, Distance Education, Education, Energy Technology, Geoscience, Health, History, Honors Program, Human Studies, Information Technology, International Studies, Language, Leadership, Literature, Management, Mathematics, Medical Technology, Military Science, Music, Nuclear Medicine, Nursing, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Social Work, Sociology, Theatre, Women and Gender Studies
Campus type
Multiple Campuses
Master's Colleges and Universities I
