The origins of Azusa Pacific University reside in 1899, when a group of spiritual leaders from various denominations met in Whittier, California, and established a Bible college geared to training students for service and missionary endeavors. This was the first Bible college founded on the West Coast. The initial class of students met on March 3, 1900, with Mary A. Hill serving as the earliest president.
Azusa Pacific University is an evangelical Christian community of disciples and scholars who seek to advance the work of God in the world through academic excellence in liberal arts and professional programs of higher education that encourage students to develop a Christian perspective of truth and life.
Applied Science, Art, Biochemistry, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Christian Education, Cinema Studies, Communications Studies, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Education, English, Global Studies, Graphic Design, History, Human Development, Journalism, Liberal Studies, Management, Management Information Systems, Math, Mathematics, Music, Nursing, Organizational Leadership, Physics, Political Science, Pre-Dental, Pre-Engineering, Pre-Law, Pre-Medical Studies, Psychology, Social Sciences, Sociology, Spanish, Theatre Arts, Theology
Campus type
Master's Colleges and Universities I

901 E. Alosta Ave. CA 91702-7000 Azusa
California United States Phone: (800) 825-5278