Belmont Technical College is a learner-centered institution committed to meeting the academic, technical, career development and workforce needs of individuals, businesses, industries, and organizations. To serve its diverse student population and provide access to necessary skills in a rapidly changing workplace, the College employs a range of delivery systems including distance and community-based education, and strives to maintain low tuition rates and an abundance of financial aid sources. To provide an environment where quality lifelong learning can take place, the College depends on a constant and continually evolving interface with all community stakeholders.
Accounting, Administration, Advertising, Biology, Business, Business Administration, Business Law, Ceramics, Chemistry, Child Development, Civil Engineering, Commerce, Composition, Computer Aided Drafting, Computer Information Science, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Criminology, Desktop Publishing, Drafting, e-Commerce, Economic Development, Economics, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Gerontology, Human Development, Information Systems, International Business, Law, Leadership, Microbiology, Multimedia, Nursing, Pharmacology, Philosophy, Physical Science, Physics, Practical Nursing, Programming, Public Relations, Reading, Real Estate, Science, Sociology, Speech, Statistics, Surveying, Taxation, Technology, Welding
Campus type
Multiple Campuses
Associate's Colleges
120 Fox-Shannon Place OH 43950 Saint Clairsville
Ohio United States Phone: (740) 695-9500
Admissions office:
Admissions Office. 120 Fox-Shannon Place OH 43950Saint Clairsville
Ohio United States Phone: (740)695-9500 Email:…