Central Piedmont Community College is an innovative and comprehensive college that advances the life-long educational development of students consistent with their needs, interests, and abilities while strengthening the economic, social, and cultural life of its diverse community.
The College accomplishes this purpose by providing high-quality, flexible pre-baccalaureate and career-focused educational programs and services which are academically, geographically, and financially accessible. This purpose requires a fundamental commitment to teaching and learning excellence within a supportive environment.
Accounting, Accounting Certificate Program, Advertising, Advertising Design, Air Conditioning, Architectural Technology, Art, Arts & Sciences, Automotive Technology, Baking & Pastry, Cardiovascular Technology, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Programming, Computer Technology, Construction Management, Criminal Justice, Cytotechnology, Database Support, Dental, Dental Assistant, Developmental Disabilities Specialist, Early Childhood Education, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Technology, Electrical technology, Electronics Technology, Fine Art, Fire Protection Engineering, Horticulture, Human Services, Information Systems, Machining Technology, Manufacturing Technology, Mechanical, Medical Assistant, Medical Laboratory, Medical Technology, Network Technology, Nursing, Paralegal Studies, Surgical Technology, Surveying, Welding Technology
Campus type
Associate's Colleges

3210 CPCC W. Campus Dr. NC 28208 Charlotte
North Carolina United States Phone: (704) 330-4650 http://www1.cpcc.edu/
Admissions office:
CPCC Admissions Office 3210 CPCC W. Campus Dr. NC 28208Charlotte
North Carolina United States Phone: (704) 330-4608 Fax: (704) 330-4610 http://www1.cpcc.edu/admissions/