Establishing Coahoma County Agricultural High School in 1924, Coahoma County became the first county in Mississippi to provide an agricultural high school for Negroes under the then existing “separate but equal” doctrine for education. The junior college curriculum was added in 1949, and the name of the institution was changed to Coahoma Junior College and Agricultural High School.
Coahoma Community College is a publicly supported comprehensive community college located in the northwest corner of the Mississippi Delta serving Bolivar, Coahoma, Quitman, Tallahatchie, and Tunica Counties. The institution provides accessible, accredited, affordable, diverse, and quality learning opportunities for the development of intellectual skills, job skills, personal growth and/or transfer to a baccalaureate program. Coahoma Community College serves as a catalyst for economic and community development and supports aggressive and creative efforts to increase access to education in rural communities.
Accounting, Art, Athletic Training, Audiology, Biochemistry, Biology, Broadcasting, Business Management, Chemistry, Clinical Laboratory Science, Communication Disorders, Computer Information Systems, Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, English, Environmental Sciences, Exercise & Sport Science, Foreign Languages, General Studies, Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary Studies, Kinesiology, Management Information Systems, Mathematics, Meteorology, Nursing, Paralegal Studies, Pathology, Physical Education, Political Science, Pre-Dental, Pre-Health, Pre-Law, Pre-Medical Studies, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Physical Therapy, Psychology, Public Administration, Public Policy, Radio / TV / Film, Recreation, Secondary Education, Social Studies for Teachers, Social Work, Spanish, Special Education, Speech, Sport Management, Tourism Management
Campus type
Multiple Campuses
Associate's Colleges
