Eastern New Mexico University, opened in 1934 as a junior college, has an enrollment of approximately 3,600. It has a two-year branch campus in Roswell and an instruction center in Ruidoso. Eastern New Mexico University is a Hispanic serving institution and is a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU).
From 1997-99, Eastern was awarded the Pew Leadership Award for the Renewal of Undergraduate Education. With the $.5 million awarded by the Pew Charitable Trusts, the University designed and implemented the Freshman Seminar program, enhanced student residential programming, and dramatically improved the retention of first-year students.
In Fall, 1999, a second grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts launched an assessment initiative investigating electronic portfolios and initiating classroom based assessments at Eastern. This grant has been extended until June 2002.
In Fall, 2000, Eastern was one of only 20 institutions selected to participate in the American Association of Colleges and Universities Greater Expectations. This project is a multi-year initiative to define the aims and purposes of a twenty-first century undergraduate education and to discover the best strategies for achieving those aims.
In 1999, Eastern was designated a "Hispanic-Serving Institution" by the U.S. Department of Education. In July, 2001, the University was notified of a $1.9 million grant from the US Department of Education under Title V (Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program). The five-year grant will enable the University to expand the campus' use of student/faculty learning communities to enhance student success.
Eastern's School of Education has received a three-year federal grant that provides $250,000 annually to support the improvement of bilingual education in New Mexico public schools.
Eastern is one of 20 colleges and universities across the nation selected as exemplars of comprehensive innovation in undergraduate education as part of an initiative by the American Association of Colleges and Universities.
Eastern was one of 20 NCATE partners selected to field-test the draft standards for Professional Development sites-and received a special commendation for its partnerships with James Elementary in Portales and Washington Avenue School in Roswell.
Graduating seniors from ENMU's College of Business for 2000-01 scored above the 96th percentile on the nationally-normed test for business majors.
According to New Mexico's Commission on Higher Education, Eastern is the most efficient of the state's four-year universities in instruction and general expenditures per full-time equivalency students.
Eastern has also initiated a $2.5 million energy efficiency project that, when completed, will reduce the University's energy costs by approximately 33 percent.
In Fall, 2000, Eastern had the highest percentage (17.2 percent) of Lottery Success Scholarship recipients of any New Mexico post-secondary institution.
Eastern provides its students with extensive access to microcomputer laboratories throughout campus, including residential facilities. Approximately 432 student-accessible computers are available on the campus network. All major residence halls also have network connections available in each student room.
Dr. Mary Ayala, associate professor of Spanish, was named the 2001 New Mexico professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. She is the third ENMU faculty member to receive this recognition since 1998.
Eastern is the home for New Mexico's Center for Teaching Excellence, the world-famous Blackwater Draw archaeological site, the Jack Williamson Science Fiction Library named after Eastern's own renowned science fiction writer and winner of Hugo and Nebula awards, and KENW-TV, Eastern's public broadcast station which is on course to go digital in 2004.
Accounting, Administration, Agricultural Business, Agricultural Economics, Anthropology, Art, Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Broadcasting, Business, Business Administration, Business Education, Chemistry, Communication, Communication Arts, Communication Disorders, Composition, Curriculum and Instruction, Dance, Dentistry, Early Childhood Education, Economics, Education, Elementary Education, English, English as a Second Language, Environmental Studies, Environmental Engineering and Technology, Family, Family and Consumer Sciences, Finance, Foreign Languages, General Studies, Geochemistry, Geology, Geophysics, Greek, Hospitality Management, Human Services, Information Systems, Interdisciplinary Studies, Language, Legal Studies, Management, Marketing, Math, Mathematics, Media Arts, Medical, Medical Technology, Music, Music Education, Music Performance, Natural Sciences, Nursing, Performing Arts, Pharmacy, Physical Science, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Piano Performance, Political Science, Pre-Medical Studies, Pre-Physician, Psychology, Public Administration, Public Policy, Public Relations, Reading, Religion, Science, Sciences, Secondary Education, Social Work, Sociology, Special Education, Teaching, Technology, Theatre, Theatre Arts, Theatre Management, Theatre Technology, Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, Visual and Media Arts, Wildlife
Campus type
Master's Colleges and Universities I

1200 W. University 88130 Portales
New Mexico United States Phone: (505) 562-1011 http://www.enmu.edu/
Admissions office:
Office of Admissions ENMU Station 7 - 1500 S. Ave. K 88130Portales
New Mexico United States Phone: (505) 562-2177 Email: [email protected]