Fulton-Montgomery Community College is located on 195 acres in the foothills of the beautiful Adirondack Mountains between Albany and Utica, NY. FMCC is dedicated to providing students with a quality education in an environment that nurtures success. With over 45 degree and certificate programs, we offer small classes, individualized attention, and many diverse programs.
Accounting, Automotive Technology, Business Administration, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Computer Systems & Applications, Computer Technology, Construction Engineering and Technology, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Electrical technology, Electronics, Engineering Science, Fine Arts, General Studies, Graphic Communications, Graphic Design, Health Education, Human Services, Liberal Arts, Marketing, Media Communication & Technology, Medical Administrative Assistant, Medical Receptionist, Medical Transcription, Multimedia, Nursing, Office Technology, Physical Education, Radiologic Technology, Sales, Sciences, Social Sciences, Teaching, Theatre Arts, Visual Communications
Campus type
Associate's Colleges

Admissions office:
New York United States