Located in historic Norfolk, Va., the 188 acres of the Old Dominion University campus stretch from the Elizabeth River to the Lafayette River. Although situated in a metropolitan setting, the University offers a small-college look and feel, with tree-lined walkways, a mix of old and new buildings, and colorful gardens and ponds. Founded in 1930 as a division of the College of William and Mary, Old Dominion has grown into its own over the years and is now one of only 101 public universities with a Carnegie/Doctoral Research-Extensive distinction.
Old Dominion University promotes the advancement of knowledge and the pursuit of truth locally, nationally, and internationally. It develops in students a respect for the dignity and worth of the individual, a capacity for critical reasoning and a genuine desire for learning. It fosters the extension of the boundaries of knowledge through research and scholarship and is committed to the preservation and dissemination of a rich cultural heritage. Old Dominion University is old enough to value tradition yet young enough to facilitate change. In a spirit of creative experimentation, innovation, research, and technology, the University is ready to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.
Accounting, Aesthetics, Anthropology, Applied Mathematics, Applied Music, Art, Art Education, Art History, Asian Studies, Biochemistry, Biology, Biostatistics, Business, Business Administration, Chemistry, Child Studies, Civil Engineering, Clinical Laboratory Science, Communication, Composition, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Construction Management, Counseling, Creative Writing, Criminal Justice, Cytotechnology, Dance, Decision Sciences, Drawing, Early Childhood Education, Earth Sciences, East Asian Studies, Economics, Education, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering Technology, Elementary Education, Engineering, English, Environmental Studies, Fashion Design, Film, Finance, Financial Management, Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, French, Geography, Geology, German, Gerontology, Government, Graphic Design, Health, Health Sciences, History, Human Services, Information Systems, Information Technology, Insurance, Interdisciplinary Studies, International Business, Journalism, Language, Latin American Studies, Legal Studies, Linguistics, Literature, Management, Marketing, Mass Communication, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Technology, Medicine, Music, Natural Sciences, Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear Medicine, Nursing, Ocean Sciences, Ophthalmology, Painting, Pathology, Performing Arts, Pharmaceutical Management, Philosophy, Photography, Physical Education, Physics, Political Science, Pre-Dental, Pre-Law, Pre-Medical Studies, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Veterinary, Psychology, Public Administration, Real Estate, Recreation, Religious Studies, Science, Sculpture, Secondary Education, Social Welfare, Spanish, Special Education, Sport Management, Sports Medicine, Statistics, Surveying, Teacher Preparation, Teaching, Technology, Theatre, Therapeutic Massage, Urban Studies, Vocal Performance, Women and Gender Studies
Campus type
Research Universities

Hampton Boulevard VA 23529Norfolk
Virginia United States Phone: (757) 683-3000 http://www.odu.edu
Admissions office:
Old Dominion University Office of Admissions 108 Alfred B. Rollins, Jr. Hall VA 23529Norfolk
Virginia United States Phone: (757) 683-3685 Fax: (757) 683-3255 Email: [email protected] http://admissions.odu.edu