Oral Roberts University is a charismatic university, founded in the fires of evangelism and upon the unchanging precepts of the Bible. The University was founded as a result of the evangelist Oral Roberts' obeying God's mandate to build a university on God's authority and the Holy Spirit. God's commission to Oral Roberts was to "Raise up your students to hear My voice, to go where My light is dim, where My voice is heard small, and My healing power is not known, even to the uttermost bounds of the earth. Their work will exceed yours, and in this I am well pleased."
The mission of Oral Roberts University – in its commitment to the Christian faith – is to educate the whole person in spirit, mind, and body, thereby preparing its graduates to be professionally competent servant-leaders who are spiritually alive, intellectually alert, physically disciplined, and socially adept. The University seeks to synthesize the best practices of liberal arts, professional, and graduate education with a charismatic emphasis to enable students to go into every person's world with God's message of salvation and healing for the totality of human need.
Art, Behavioral Sciences, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Communication Arts, Computer Science, Distance Education, Education, Engineering, English, Government, History, Humanities, Mathematics, Missions, Modern Languages, Music, Nursing, Physical Education, Physical Science, Physics, Recreation, Science, Theology
Campus type
Associate's Public Suburban