Regis University educates men and women of all ages to take leadership roles and to make a positive impact in a changing society. Standing within the Catholic and United States traditions, we are inspired by the particular Jesuit vision of Ignatius Loyola. This vision challenges us to attain the inner freedom to make intelligent choices. We seek to provide value-centered undergraduate and graduate education, as well as to strengthen commitment to community service. We nurture the life of the mind and the pursuit of truth within an environment conducive to effective teaching, learning and personal development.
Accounting, Biochemistry, Biology, Business Administration, Catholic Studies, Chemistry, Christian Studies, Communication, Computer Science, Economics, Education, English, Environmental Studies, Exercise & Sport Science, French, History, Mathematics, Music, Neuroscience, Nursing, Peace and Conflict Studies, Philosophy, Political Economy, Politics, Pre-Health, Pre-Law, Pre-Medical Studies, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Spanish, Visual Arts, Women and Gender Studies
Campus type
Multiple Campuses
Master's Colleges and Universities I

Admissions office:
Regis University Regis College Office of Admissions A-12 CO 80221 Denver
Colorado United States Phone: (303) 458-4900 Fax: (303) 964-5400 Email: [email protected]